Essex U2050 Team for 2024-25

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Team Captain

Michael Spurr

To contact Michael use the site Contact Form and select u2050 Captain from the dropdown.

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Team fixtures

DateHome TeamScoreAway TeamStart
05 October 24Essex 6½ – 9½Kent 1330
16 November 24Middx9½-6½Essex 1400
07 December 24Surrey8½-7½Essex 1300
25 January 25EssexSurrey 1330
08 February 25Essex Middx1330
01 March 25Kent Essex 1230

Match cards

U2050 Player Stats will appear here

Played Saturday, 5 October 2024, at Wanstead
  Essex v Kent
Hodgson, John H 2040 (2027) (W) ½-½ Clear, David E 1958 (1959) (B)
Rix, Steven JL 2019 (1993) 1-0 Tucker, David S 1933 (1928)
Kriman, Salim 1984 (1992) 1-0 Allen, John P 1923 (1903)
Myall, Ivan J 1986 (1974) 0-1 Sands, Alan VH 1916 (1928)
Williamson, Paul L 1974 (1960) 0-1 Swiatkowski, Dominik 1906 (1893)
Bowden, Madison B 1947 (1960) ½-½ Nevols, Keith 1873 (1843)
Jaszkiwskyj, Peter 1956 (1934) 0-1 Gluckman, Tim 1870 (1887)
Hughes, Gavin James 1949 (1952) 0-1 Waters, Andrew C 1870 (1887)
Upadhye, Nilesh 1945 (1975) ½-½ Swiatkowski, Aram 1857 (1884)
10  Hunnable, Ian D 1927 (1921) 0-1 Anstead, Jerry 1848 (1860)
11  McCall, Martin 1926 (1932) ½-½ Heard, Andrew H 1839 (1841)
12  Diniz Afonso, Davi 1898 (1905) ½-½ O’Gorman, Brendan 1803 (1764)
13  Kingsley, Malcolm P 1875 (1849) 0-1 Lane, Robert E 1794 (1795)
14  Murrell, Mark RA 1857 (1853) 1d0 Moore, Garfield 1789 (1766)
15  Staniland, Philip 1879 (1844) 1-0 Bernard, Chris PJ 1703 (1697)
16  McLoughlin, Finbar 1850 (1851) 0-1 Bishop, Geoffrey L 1696 (1705)
  Average: 2040 (2027) 6½-9½ Average: 1849
Played Saturday, 16 November 2024, at , All Saints Church, Childs Hill, Church Walk, London NW2 2TJ – MAP
v Essex
Calvert, D Ian 2026 (2011) (B) ½-½ Hodgson, John H 2040 (2030) (W)
Mackenzie, Colin 2023 (2037) 1-0 Myall, Ivan J 1986 (1949)
Fulton, Anthony R 2022 (2021) ½-½ Rix, Steven JL 2019 (2003)
Lees, Fraser A 1975 (1996) 1-0 Stern, Robert C 1953 (1936)
Hayler, Andrew 1965 (1926) 0-1 Williamson, Paul L 1974 (1962)
Breed, Greg J 1922 (1918) ½-½ Hughes, Gavin James 1949 (1951)
Rubeck, Jonathan 1913 (1901) ½-½ Wilson, Edgar 1945 (1968)
Cowan, Xavier 1870 (1889) 0-1 Killeen, Robert T 1951 (1931)
Anderson, Peter F 1852 (1837) ½-½ McCall, Martin 1926 (1931)
10  Fleming, Liam 1847 (1886) 1-0 Ramage, Colin R 1931 (1911)
11  Sheard, Jack 1847 (1849) 0-1 Jaszkiwskyj, Peter 1956 (1925)
12  Kay, Jonathan 1842 (1829) 1-0 Hunnable, Ian D 1927 (1902)
13  Hayali, Laith 1833 (1845) 1-0 Twitchell, Neville H 1868 (1864)
14  Kennelly, Paul 1768 (1772) 1-0 Reynolds, D Ian W 1888 (1853)
15  Thursby, Richard C 1750 (1717) ½-½ McLoughlin, Finbar 1850 (1867)
16  Fincham, Leon HJ 1725 (1748) ½-½ Staniland, Philip 1879 (1834)
  Average: 1887 9½-6½ Average: 1941
Played Saturday, 7 December 2024, at Cheam – Venue details
v Essex
Andrews, B Peter A 2017 (2019) (B) 1-0 Hodgson, John H 2040 (2030) (W)
Welling, Zac 1992 (2029) 1-0 Rix, Steven JL 2019 (2003)
Foley, John P 1995 (2019) 1-0 Kriman, Salim 1984 (1986)
Lee, Peter 1993 (1998) ½-½ Williamson, Paul L 1974 (1962)
Scrimgour, Alan 1984 (1980) 0-1 Wilson, Edgar 1945 (1968)
Wright, Chris JG 1976 (1987) ½-½ Hughes, Gavin James 1949 (1951)
Kilambi, Venkata Ananth Akshay 1966 (1973) 1-0 Myall, Ivan J 1986 (1949)
Edwards, Nicholas L 1883 (1950) 0-1 Stern, Robert C 1953 (1936)
Gosling, Marcus 1958 (1957) ½-½ McCall, Martin 1926 (1931)
10  Stimpson, Philip M 1927 (1922) 0-1 Jaszkiwskyj, Peter 1956 (1925)
11  Dupré, Paul D 1913 (1894) ½-½ Ramage, Colin R 1931 (1911)
12  Davies, Neil T 1909 (1909) ½-½ Hunnable, Ian D 1927 (1902)
13  Armstrong, Alastair 1885 (1915) ½-½ McLoughlin, Finbar 1850 (1867)
14  Boughen, Andrew 1836 (1837) ½-½ Spurr, Michael 1881 (1860)
15  Alcock, Graham P 1830 (1845) 0-1 Twitchell, Neville H 1868 (1864)
16  Venkatesh, Anuj V 1876 (1848) 1-0 Staniland, Philip 1879 (1834)
  Average: 1934 8½-7½ Average: 1942

Report by Michael Spurr

Thanks everyone for making the effort to travel to the match, despite the poor weather and traffic conditions due to the storm. I barely made it in time, even though I allowed three hours! Unfortunately, Ian Reynolds was forced to turn back home and I stepped in to avoid any defaults.

It’s always a pleasure to play at Surrey (in spite of the travel conditions) – good venue, welcoming team and a friendly captain. Our matches against Surrey are invariably close, and this was no exception, with the result swinging towards both teams several times and being decided on the final game. As expected, Surrey brought a strong team to the match (probably the strongest Essex have faced so far this season!). Although close in average rating, in the end the Surrey strength and rating advantage on the top three boards tipped the balance in their favour.

The match began with four draws, including my own game. Following the pattern of previous matches, Essex took a 2 point lead with wins on 10 and 15 for Pete and Neville (despite being significantly down on the clock due to the travel delays). Surrey then levelled, with wins on 1 and 16. Essex retook the lead with Edgar converting his advantage on 5 and Surrey countered with wins on 3 and 2. Essex brought the match all-square with Robert winning on 8, but Surrey took the lead for a final time with a win on 7.

Martin’s game was the final game to finish and he had the unenviable task of trying to win a king and 2 knights v king and pawn ending. According to the engine, this was a win in 70+ moves! However, with around a minute left on the clock, this was a near-impossible task in reality and a draw was agreed.

So, with half of the SCCU matches played, Essex are in an unusual position at the bottom of the table with three losses!  All Essex’ matches have been decided on small margins. To reach the ECF finals, Essex now have to win all three remaining matches with favourable results in other matches.

To be Played Saturday, 25 January 2025, at Wanstead
v Surrey
To be Played Saturday, 8 February 2025 at Wanstead
v Middx
To be Played Saturday, 1 March 2025, at St Mary Cray – Venue details
v Essex