The following events at speed chess are run by the Association:
- Essex Team Bliz Championship Sponsored by King & King – Organiser and Controller, Ivor Smith
- Essex Lightning Championship – Organiser, Ivor Smith, Controller Ian Hunnable
- Essex Rapid Championship – Organiser and Controller, Ian Hunnable (ECA Tournament Secretary)
- Essex Blitz Championship – Organiser and Controller, Ian Hunnable (ECA Tournament Secretary)
Essex Blitz Championship 2018-19
Inaugurated in 2016, this event at 5 mins + 4 secs per move increment (equates to 9 minutes per clock over 60 moves). The 3rd Blitz Championship will be held at Wanstead House, on 22 September 2018.
Essex Team Blitz Championship 2018-19
Teams of four, minimum of 7 minutes blitz.
Essex Lightning Championship 2018-19
For individuals. This is “buzzer” chess at 10 seconds a move, six rounds. When the buzzer sounds (every ten seconds) the player on move must make their move, not before the buzzer, not after. Good fun!
Essex Rapid Championships 2018-19
For individuals. Rapid chess at 20 minutes plus 10 seconds per move.
All of these events are ESSEX CLOSED events.