ECA Officials

NB Any Offices marked as “Vacant” are being covered by other Officers on a temporary basis until individuals for those positions can be appointed. Communications sent to the email addresses indicated will accordingly receive appropriate attention. For more information on vacancies see the Vacancies page, via the menu, left.

Mailing Groups

We have the following mailing groups on the essexchess domain:

ECA executive
Financial Sub-Committee
Essex League Clubs
County teams captains, including the Assistant Match Captain
League Management Committee
Rules Committee
Essex Online

Contact Form

To contact any of these Mailing Groups or any of the Officials listed below, please use the ECA Contact Form from the Directory tab above.

Job Descriptions, Vacancies

The Association is always interested to hear from members willing to assist in the running of its activities. If you would like to help the Association in some way, please speak to any of the Officers.

Prospective candidates should read the Job Descriptions to see what each post entails before putting themselves forward.

Details of currently available positions are given on the Vacancies page.

Links: Job Descriptions | Vacancies


President: Ian Hunnable

Chair: Colin Ramage

General Secretary: John Chapman

Assistant General Secretary: Steve Wedlock

Treasurer: Les Crane

Match Captain: Vacant – contact Secretary

Assistant Match Captain: Vacant – contact Secretary

Webserver Chess Match Captain: Steve Abbott

League Secretary: John Davenport

Tournament Secretary: Vacant – contact Secretary

Rating Officer: David Millward

Publicity Officer and Webmaster: Ian Hunnable

Junior Organiser: Robin Slade

Safeguarding Officer: Mark Murrell

Elected Executive Members:

Malcom Crane

Paul Savin

Team Captains

Open Captain: Mark Murrell

U2050 Captain: Paul Kenning

U1850 Captain: Peter Nickals

U1650 Captain: Malcolm Crane

U1450 Captain: Malcolm Crane

The above team captains are the incumbents for the 2022-23 Season. Captains for the 2023-24 Season will be appointed by the Executive at its meeting on 10 August 2023.

Committees and Delegates/Representatives

League Management Committee: Tom Barton, David Millward, Aidan Corish, Ian MacLachlan, Colin Ramage and Gavin Hughes.

Finance Sub-Committee: Les Crane, Malcolm Crane, Steve Wedlock and John Chapman.

Rules Committee: Ian Hunnable, Tom Barton, Mark Murrell and Joe Rosenberg.

Essex Summer Rapid Team Knockout Controller: Ian Hunnable

Essex Online: Ian Hunnable, Mark Murrell, Tom Barton (there are no current ECA online activities).

BCF and ECF delegate: Mark Murrell

SCCU Executive representative: Mark Murrell

Online Fair Play Committee: Mark Murrell (Chair), Tom Barton, Edison Figueroa, Andrew Lewis.

125th Anniversary Committee: Mark Murrell (Chair) plus others for Mark to co-opt.


Auditor: Steve Abbott

Hon Life Members: Steve Abbott, John Cooke, Ian Hunnable, R. Jessop, Richard Manning, David Millward, Colin Ramage, Joe Rosenberg, John Sargent, David Smith, Ivor Smith, Roy Watts, Stephen Wedlock, Norman Went and Terry Whitton.