To contact Upminster CC please use the Contact Form below.
Venue: St. Laurence Minor Hall, Corbets Tey Road, Upminster RM14 2BB.
Matches: Tuesday 19:15 tea/coffee
Life President: Andrew E. Robertson, Tel: 01708 620893. (No email contact)
Chairman: Geoffrey Cooper
Secretary: John Davenport
Treasurer: Andrew E. Robertson, Tel: 01708 620893. (No email contact)
Match Captains:
1st Team:
Captain: Les Crane
Vice-captain: Aidan Corish, Tel: 07985 456555 (mobile). (No email contact)
2nd Team:
Captain: Steve Abbott
Vice-captain: Mustapha Rahaman
3rd Team:
Captain: Geoffrey Cooper
Vice-Captain: David Hurst
Fixtures Secretary: Steve Abbott