ECF Online County Championships

Open B: Essex 5-8 Greater Manchester – on ECF LMS On Nothing much between the teams on paper, with Essex holding the edge on grades on the lower boards. Board 5 was afflicted by connection problems when we held a winning advantage and the outcome is unresolved at present. Essex’ two wins: U1825B: Surrey […]

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July 2020 Grading List

The new Grading List is published. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes ONLY over-the-board results and therefore relates only to games played from 1 Jan 2020 to the point of lockdown, when all OTB activity this year ceased (plus of course, prior periods to make up the number of games). Online games are rated […]

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FIDE Online Olympiad

Playing 25 July – 30 August, the FIDE Online Olympiad happens on a platform familiar to Essex online players. Link below. Games start at 7.00 UTC, which is 8.00 am. Each team consists of six main players and possible six reserve players. The main players must include at least two women players, at least […]

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FIDE Online Olympiad

This event was published with dates of 22 July – 30 August, but the FIDE website now gives 25 July – 30 August. But still we can find no indication of the platform on which this will take place. Each team consists of six main players and possible six reserve players. The main players must […]

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Sands takes the lead

In the second round of five, David Sands (Beachbrilliancy) assumed the sole lead in the Open with a fine win over FM Andy Lewis (PotatoeTheCat). David is the only player to have won both his games and is followed by a group of three on 1½ points, Hodgson, Goldberg and Barton, each having won in […]

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ECFOLCC Open ‘B’: Essex 3½-8½ Norfolk On With wins on Boards 3-7 and Board 10, Norfolk tore the heart out of the Essex side, with Essex only able to reply through the ever-reliable PotatoeTheCat on Board 1. The north folk had an edge on the grades, but not markedly so, except on the top […]

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International Chess Day – 20 July 2020

“Globally, chess is recognized as a powerful tool for promoting the values of discipline, equality, respect for rules, and mutual understanding. In 2019, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution 74/22 under agenda items “Sport for development and peace” and “Culture of peace”, designating the 20th of July as World Chess Day.” So reads the […]

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ECA AGM 30 June 2020

The Association’s Annual General Meeting was held on 30 June 2020, by video conference on – a first for the Association. We thank Tom Barton for arranging this and for all who “attended” and enabled this most important business to be transacted. With his customary efficiency, Steve Wedlock has already produced the Minutes, which […]

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Essex Online Championships – Round 1

The Round 1 games which have not already been played, can be viewed live online tomorrow evening – 13 July – from 7 pm. Click the section links below to select up to four games to follow. Full details how to set up these follow links are given in the Competition page. ECF LMS links […]

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Fifty up

Entries have closed for the Essex Online Championships, with 52 entries having been received. The distribution is: Open – 14, U150 – 22, U100 – 16. An excellent response with a short run-in for entries. Visit the Competition page, then the sections menu appears in the left sidebar. Rules Are now published. Link below, also […]

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