The new Grading List is published. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes ONLY over-the-board results and therefore relates only to games played from 1 Jan 2020 to the point of lockdown, when all OTB activity this year ceased (plus of course, prior periods to make up the number of games). Online games are rated separately.
IMPORTANT More so than previous years, it is important that you check your results NOW. Assumption: that there will be OTB games in the Season 2020-21. The new four-digit rating system will be introduced from 1 September and there will be NO CORRECTIONS to the three-digit grades after publication of the August revision. The new four-digit rating list will be compiled by conversion from the August grading list. We therefore get only one shot at correcting errors or omissions, which is DO IT NOW. Eligibility for the SCCU Counties Championships is set by grades/ratings “included in the last list published, or scheduled to be published, on or before 15th September”.
If you find errors or omissions in your results list, please contact the ECF Grading Database administrator direct, at: (email link) with full details.
For interest: the formula to convert three digit ECF Grades, to four-digit ECF Ratings, is ECFgrade x 7.5 + 700.
I have started playing chess since the lockdown, and was looking for a club to join, i live in Hullbridge Essex and wonder if you could help me.
hi derek.
there is a chess club in rayleigh essex.they use to meet next to the fire station in castle road.
you will have to check on the internet. good luck.
I have started playing chess since the lockdown, and was looking for a cub to join. i live in Hullbridge Essex and wonder if you could help me.