ECA Secretary, John Chapman, appeals for members to step forward to fill two vacancies among our Officers:
The Essex Chess Association has two vacancies which we need to fill with a suitable candidate for each position.
- We urgently need a Treasurer as we currently do not have one. Click the Job Descriptions link below and scroll down to page 2 of the document.
- An Assistant Match Captain is also required. Click the Job Descriptions link below and scroll down to page 2 of the document.
Would any ECA member interested in assisting the ECA in either capacity please read the job description and/or contact John for more information. Please use the Contact Form (link below) and select ‘General Secretary’ as the person to contact.
In a number of cases, the Association’s Job Descriptions are admittedly in need of updating, but the requirements for these two posts are broadly unchanged. A circular has been sent to Club Secretaries for distribution to their members.
It would be excellent if we could fill these vacancies as soon as possible, before the new season gets underway.
Links: Job Descriptions | Vacancies | Contact Form