The Entry Form is published for the Essex Online Championships 2020-21, to be played over 5 Rounds, starting on 12 April 2021, with further rounds on 26 April 2021, 10 May 2021, 24 May 2021 and 7 June 2021; all Monday evenings starting at 7.00 pm., on, games to be played at G60+15 (Game in 60 minutes + 15 seconds per move). Full details in the Entry Form (link below).
The EOL Championships will comprise the Open and rating-limited sections subject to entries – last year we ran Open, U150 (u1825), U100 (u1450). In the Entry Form, there is a multiple choice survey question where entrants are asked to indicate which rating-limited sections (where applicable) which they would prefer to play in, preference including or excluding the Open; the final decision of how many, and which, sections to be run will be made in the light of the survey answers. Further details in the Entry Form, link below.
Closing date for entries is 9.00 pm Friday, 9 April 2021.
Champions 2019-20 were: Open: David Sands; U150: Olga Latypova; U100: Jaideep Cheema.
Link: Entry Form for Essex Online Championships 2020-21