It is with the greatest sadness that we receive news from Tom Barton of the passing of Syd Kalinsky. Tom reports:
I’m sad to advise that Syd Kalinsky passed away yesterday [7 Apr 2021] after a short illness. Syd was a stalwart of Ilford and Cavendish chess clubs and played chess right up until the pandemic closed off over the board chess. He was strongly in favour of playing chess and always had an opinion about games played and the wider world which I’d discuss with him in the car on the way to and from matches. Syd was also the auditor for the Essex Chess Association for many years.
He will be missed.
Danny Wright advises the funeral is likely to take place tomorrow (Friday) and that a zoom link will be available for those who wish to ‘attend’. I will pass this on when I have it.
Syd was 89 and a true legend in Essex chess. In due course we will provide a fuller Obituary and Appreciation.
RIP. My column in the East Anglian Daily Times this Saturday (24 April) features Syd’s win against Tony Miles in the 1970-71 Ward-Higgs County Team Correspondence Championship.