Played 18 July 2023 at Wanstead Board WANSTEAD A R1 R2 CHELMSFORD 1 Hodgson, John H 2147 (W, B) ½-½ 1-0 White, Russell P 2059 (B, W) 2 Gill, Oliver 2088 0-1 1-0 Mueller, Jens 2056 3 Spearman, David 2037 1-0 1-0 Myall, Ivan J 2018 4 Cawdery, John 2026 ½-½ 0-1 Wilson, Edgar 2001 […]
Open this postKnockout R1: Match D
Played 13 July 2023, at Barking Board BARKING A R1 R2 Thurrock 1 Goldberg, Jeff A 2123 (W, B) 1-0 1-0 Sandu, Silviu 1561 (B, W) 2 Jaszkiwskyj, Peter 1945 1-0 1-0 Eastwood, Tomas 1480 3 Ramage, Colin R 1845 1-0 1-0 Crane, Malcolm K 1525 4 Robinson, James M 1896 1-0 1-0 Goodliffe, Ralph […]
Open this postEssex at the British returns
The British Championships congress approaches, running from Thursday 20 July to Sunday 30 July, in Leicester, with more events than ever. There is already a fine Essex presence, 40 strong as we write, including a “baker’s dozen” from Wanstead. We will keep up a daily blog in our Features pages – link below – with […]
Open this postBittersweet
Two Essex teams battled through to the ECF Finals, the same two teams which were successful in a double championships last year, U2050 and U1450. On this occasion, one title gained by default, the other lost by a margin, makes for a bittersweet experience. The U2050 FInal was conceded by Warwickshire the day before the […]
Open this postU2050 Final is off!
Essex retain U2050 national Championship, by default Due to have been played Saturday, 1 July, against Warwickshire, at Staines, Warwicks have conceded the match as they were unable to raise a full team. So, a complete contrast to Essex’ come-from-behind victory in the 2022 Final against Surrey. Essex retain the U2020 national Championship, but to […]
Open this postKnockout R1: Match A
Played 26 June 2023, at Chelmsford CC Board CHELSMFORD R1 R2 Loughton 1 White, Russell P 2061 (B, W) 1-0 0-1 Bowmer, Kevin 2029 (W, B) 2 Myall, Ivan J 2012 ½-½ 1-0 Stirling, William J 1931 3 Chandler, David C 1877 1-0 ½-½ Middleton, Stephen 1822 4 Smith, Ryan M 1962 1-0 1-0 Malinik, […]
Open this postKnockout R1: Match E
Payed 27 June 2023, at Wanstead Board Wanstead B R1 R2 BASILDON 1 Whitton, Terry D 1896 (W, B) 0-1 1-0 Somogyi, Tamas 2139 (B, W) 2 Staniland, Philip 1852 1-0 1-0 Gedvilas, Arunas 1911 3 Barclay, Paul R 1726 ½-½ 0-1 Staff, Robbie 1891 4 Karacsony, Istvan 1631 1-0 0-1 Savin, Paul A 1823 […]
Open this postKnockout R1: Match B
Played 22 June 2023 at Barking CC. Board Barking B R1 R2 WANSTEAD A 1 Clow, Ken W 1705 0-1 0-1 Spearman, David 2233 2 Berkley, Stephen W 1659 0-1 0-1 Cawdery, John 2017 3 Wickham, Michael 1924 0-1 0-1 Freeman, Ashley 1976 4 Sinha, Anup 1691 1-0 0-1 Hunnable, Ian D 1994 5 Default […]
Open this postKnockout R1: Match C
Played 19 June 2023, at Ilford CC Board ILFORD R1 R2 Wanstead C 1 Barton, Tom A 1893 (W, B) 1-0 0-1 Diniz Afonso, Davi 1720 (B, W) 2 Ghose, Rahul 1871 0-1 1-0 Nickals, Peter A 1640 3 Twitchell, Neville H 1850 1-0 1-0 Lataille, Matthias 1635 4 Subramanian, Venkatesh 1899 1-0 1-0 Li, […]
Open this postIn memory of Syd Kalinsky
Tomorrow, 18 June 2023, we shall be holding the double event of the Essex Team Blitz and the ECA Lightning Championship, at Ilford CC’s venue at the Redbridge Social Centre. “Team Blitz and Lightning” day was sponsored by the late Syd Kalinsky since 1997. This, the first such event since his passing, is being held […]
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