Syd Kalinsky Memorial Essex Team Blitz and Lightning Championship

From Tom Barton

The date of Sunday 26th June has been firmed up for the return of the ECA Team Blitz and the ECA Lightning Championship. These events will be held in the hall at the Ilford Chess Club venue.

The event will be held in memory of it’s long term sponsor, Syd Kalinsky.

The Team Blitz will be for 4-board teams starting at 10 am. Entries are restricted to ECA affiliated clubs, Essex juniors and Cavendish. Rate of play (subject to number of entries) will be G7+0 (seven minutes on each clock for per game, NO increments).

The Lightning Championship, played to a 10 second buzzer, will be held in the afternoon.

Ivor Smith will manage the event with support from Ian Hunnable for results and pairings and my assistance.

Formal entry form and fees will follow, however, please put the date in diaries and let me know if your club would like to enter (link below). I so far have teams expected from Southend, Wanstead and Ilford.

Link: Ilford CC and Syd Kalinsky
Email link: Tom Barton

Posted in Activities, Individuals.

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